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Secondary school meals

Secondary schools provide a choice of meals and snacks to pupils available at both morning break and at lunch time.

Any child can opt to have the meal of the day which has been nutritionally balanced and includes either a pudding or bottled water and represents value for money. Most schools have a cashless system where money or free meals allowance is loaded biometrically, allowing parents to pay by cheque in advance and for longer periods.

Most schools enable parents to pay via the internet. If preferred, pupils may take a packed lunch to eat at school.

For just £2.40 you can choose a full balanced meal including dessert or bottled water, and there are plenty of other healthy, great tasting light meals and snacks on offer costing less than £2.40, giving you plenty of options to choose from. These are available for both meat eaters and vegetarians on a daily basis.

Studies have shown that there is a better degree of concentration in lessons if you have had a fulfilling lunch time meal.

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Last modified on 19 February 2020