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There are 5 results

Search results

  • 55-57 Eversley Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9DE

    For sale: The property comprises a substantial mid terraced premises, with commercial A3 use at ground floor and first floor residential.

  • C1 and C2 Olympus Court, Swansea Vale

    FOR SALE: Site is rectangular and sits on a level greenfield site.

  • Swansea Vale

    FOR SALE/ TO LET: Prestigious location for business, residential and leisure developments.

  • 95 Carnglas Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9BN

    To let: The property comprises of a ground floor retail unit.

  • 12 Dillwyn Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9AE

    For sale: The premises comprises of a ground floor restaurant and hot food takeaway. A 4 bed residential apartment is arranged over the first floor, external ya...

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