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Alternatively you can view a list of Council owned property and land for sale or lease and a separate list of Vacant property and land for sale or lease on their respective web pages. 

There are 44 results
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Search results

  • 215a Oxford Street, Swansea, SA1 3BG

    To let: The property comprises of a ground floor retail premises and shares an entrance with the neighbouring property.

  • 95 Mansel Street, Swansea, SA1 5TZ

    To let: The premises comprises a self-contained ground floor retail unit, recently granted planning permission for use as a licensed premises.

  • 13 Union Street, Swansea, SA1 3EF

    To let: A mid-terraced, two storey commercial property (A1/A2 Use Class) with ancillary accommodation to the rear and upper floors.

  • 227 Oxford Street, Swansea, SA1 3BJ

    For sale: The property comprises of a ground floor retail unit, currently used as an amusement arcade (D2 Use Class).

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