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You can search our register of properties and land that are currently available for sale or lease. These include both commercial agents and council owned property.
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Offices at Kemys Way, Enterprise Park, Swansea, SA6 8QF Let: Offices
Grazing land, various sites LET: The council has 42 sites across the county which are let on two year Farm Business Tenancy agreements.
Swansea Market stalls, Oxford Street, SA1 3PQ LET : 'Shop style' units
SA1 Swansea Waterfront SALE/ TO LET: Mixed use development including business, residential and commercial.
Felindre, Swansea SALE/ TO LET: 12 fully serviced development plots situated next to the M4 (off Junction 46).
Swansea Vale SALE/ TO LET: Prestigious location for business, residential and leisure developments.
Land at former ski slope, Nantong Way, Swansea Enterprise Park LET: Level site with fencing to the roadside elevation. Access can be provided off a loading road.
Parc Tawe, Swansea LET: Premises comprise a two storey mid terrace property.
12 Union Street, Swansea LET: Premises comprise a two storey mid terrace property.
5-7 Picton Arcade, Swansea LET: Open plan showroom space.