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Search results
45 Princess Way, Swansea, SA1 5HF let: The premises comprises a ground floor retail unit with two separate rooms. Ancillary storage is available at basement level along with staff facilities....
55-57 Eversley Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9DE sale: The property comprises a substantial mid terraced premises, with commercial A3 use at ground floor and first floor residential.
13 Mansel Street, Swansea, SA1 5SF let: The property comprises of a commercial ground floor and basement premises.
67 Brynymor Road, Swansea, SA1 4JJ sale: The property comprises of a ground floor A3 restaurant (40 covers) with open plan seating, kitchen area and WC facilities with storage to the rear.
Ground Floor, 70 St. Helens Road, Swansea, SA1 4BE let: The property comprises of an open plan showroom to the front, staff facilities and storage to the rear.
Bar Americanos, Prince of Wales Dock, Kings Road, Swansea, SA1 8PP sale: The property comprises of a ground floor A3 premises with additional outdoor seating, an established live music and cocktail bar which can accommodate...
42 The Grove, Uplands, Swansea, SA2 0QR let: The property comprises a spacious ground floor retail unit previously used as a hair salon.
Grazing land, various sites LET: The council has 42 sites across the county which are let on two year Farm Business Tenancy agreements.
Swansea Market stalls, Oxford Street, SA1 3PQ LET : 'Shop style' units
SA1 Swansea Waterfront SALE/ TO LET: Mixed use development including business, residential and commercial.