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You can search our register of properties and land that are currently available for sale or lease. These include both commercial agents and council owned property.
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Search results
Grove House, Grove Place, Swansea LET: Office suites situated on the third floor finished to a high specification.
Riverside House, Normandy Road, Landore SALE: Self contained modern office block.
8-11 Caer Street, Swansea LET: Premises briefly comprises office space in both modular and open plan layouts.
20 Oxford Street, Swansea LET: Ground floor retail unit.
251 Oxford Street, Swansea LET: Open plan ground floor retail showroom.
31 Uplands Crescent, Uplands LET: Ground floor retail unit with ancillary facilities.
The Palace Theatre, High Street, Swansea OFFER: Grade A office space currently under redevelopment
24 Walter Road, Swansea LET: Comprising of a first floor office space with communal reception area to the ground floor.
26 Union Street, Swansea LET: A prominent corner, ground floor shop with first floor ancillary accommodation.
14 Walter Road, Swansea LET: Ground floor retail premises.