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You can search our register of properties and land that are currently available for sale or lease. These include both commercial agents and council owned property.
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Search results
71/72 Kingsway, Swansea, SA1 5JE A offices to let.
Unit 8 Plasmarl Industrial Estate, Beaufort Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 8JG LET: An industrial unit with an eaves height 5.40m and dedicated car parking.
Former Supermarket, A4240 Gorseinon Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 9GE SALE OR TO LET: The property is a former supermarket with 62 car parking spaces.
Land adjacent to Abergelly Road, Swansea West Industrial Estate, Fforestfach, Swansea, SA5 4DY SALE: The site has an expired planning permission for industrial/ light manufacturing development but could well suit sales and lettings as storage compound...
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