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Alternatively you can view a list of Council owned property and land for sale or lease and a separate list of Vacant property and land for sale or lease on their respective web pages. 

There are 36 results
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Search results

  • 104 Woodfield Street, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 8AS

    For sale: The property comprises of a spacious 3 storey commercial premises, currently being used as a hair and beauty salon.

  • 137 Ravenhill Road, Ravenhill, Swansea, SA5 5AH

    To let: A ground floor commercial premises previously used as a hair salon. The first floor benefits from four additional rooms, ideal for beauty suites.

  • 64 Southgate Road, Southgate, Swansea, SA3 2DH

    For sale: A ground floor commercial premises previously used as a coffee shop. The upper floors are residential.

  • 88-89 Woodfield Street, Morriston, SA6 8BA

    To let: The property comprises a large ground floor retail unit, previously occupied for use as a licensed premises.

  • 12 Dillwyn Road, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9AE

    For sale: The premises comprises of a ground floor restaurant and hot food takeaway. A 4 bed residential apartment is arranged over the first floor, external ya...

  • 227 Oxford Street, Swansea, SA1 3BJ

    For sale: The property comprises of a ground floor retail unit, currently used as an amusement arcade (D2 Use Class).

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