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7-9 Caer Street, Swansea LET: The premises briefly comprises of office space situated in an open plan layout.
24 Walter Road, Swansea LET: Comprising of a first floor office space with communal reception area to the ground floor.
26 Union Street, Swansea LET: A prominent corner, ground floor shop with first floor ancillary accommodation.
14 Walter Road, Swansea LET: Ground floor retail premises.
Unit 5 Mannesman Close, Enterprise Park, Swansea, SA7 9AH LET: An end of terrace industrial unit with an extensive forecourt car park.
Unit 8 Plasmarl Industrial Estate, Beaufort Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 8JG LET: An industrial unit with an eaves height 5.40m and dedicated car parking.
Upper Floor Space, Mond Building, Union Street, Swansea, SA1 3DN LET: The property comprises of office space on the upper floors.
46 Mansel Street, Swansea, SA1 5SW LET: The accommodation comprises of self contained first floor office space with ancillary storage and staff facilities.
Unit 6 Tawe Business Village, Enterprise Park, Swansea, SA7 9LA LET: The premises is open plan, split over two floors. 4 dedicated parking spaces.
12 Axis Court (first floor), Riverside Business Park, Mallard Way, Swansea, SA7 0AJ LET: A modern first floor office providing a large open space with two smaller offices within and staff facilities and dedicated car parking spaces.