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Information on food hygiene ratings

Find out more about the scheme as well as information for food businesses about appeals and re-inspections.

Information for residents

The Food Hygiene Ratings website (opens new window) lists all the food businesses that have been inspected under the scheme. 

The scheme gives customers information about the hygiene standards in food premises at the time they are inspected. The hygiene rating given reflects what the food safety officer finds at the time.

It's not easy to judge hygiene standards on appearance alone so the rating gives you an idea of what's going on in the kitchen, or behind closed doors. 

All food businesses are given a sticker showing their rating and have a legal duty to display it in a prominent place (such as the front door or window) and at all customer entrances and provide information on their rating verbally if asked. 

The ratings range from 5 (very good) down to 0 (urgent improvements necessary).

Information for food businesses

The food hygiene rating scheme is the chance to promote your food business's standards of food hygiene to your customers.

At inspection, scores are given for three areas:

  • how hygienically the food is handled - how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
  • the condition of the structure of the premises - cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities
  • how the business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe.

These scores are then converted to a food hygiene rating. Ratings will be published on a national website and you will be required to display a sticker in a prominent place (such as a front door or window) to your food business to show your rating.

Food hygiene rating scores
Total scoreMaximum scoring factorRatingHygiene standards
0 - 15No score greater than 55 (top)Very good
20No score greater than 104Good
25 - 30No score greater than 103Generally satisfactory
35 - 40No score greater than 152Improvement necessary
45 - 50No score greater than 201Major investment necessary
> 50-0 (bottom)Urgent improvement necessary

If you are unhappy with the score that you have achieved you have the right to replyAppeal against your food hygiene rating score, or request a re-inspection.

The scheme in Wales is operated in accordance with the Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Act but the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme also runs in England and Northern Ireland, with the ratings being based on the same information.

Appeal against your food hygiene rating score

If you don't think your score reflects the conditions found at your food premise at the time of the inspection you can appeal.

Request a re-inspection of your food business

If since your inspection you have finished the priority actions and improvements to meet the legal requirements then you can request a re-inspection of your premises.

The 'Right to Reply' to your food hygiene rating score

You have the right have your say if there were any mitigating circumstances for the conditions found during the inspection and/or an explanation of any action taken since the inspection to put things right. This will be displayed alongside your score on the website.

Request early publication of rating

After an inspection, the rating will be uploaded by us so that it is published on The business owner or manager can request that a rating is published before the end of the appeal period.

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Last modified on 16 May 2023