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School governors

Becoming a school governor is one of the most important ways in which you can help your local school.

The governing body has a strategic role working with the headteacher to set the aims and objectives of the school, agreeing policies, targets and priorities to achieve the objectives and monitoring and evaluating the aims and objectives in order to promote high standards of achievement. The headteacher has day to day management of the school.

As a school governor, you will be part of a team. Individual governors do not act alone. It is only the full governing body that has legal duties and powers and all governors share that corporate responsibility.

A good governing body is vital to a school's success

  • Governors make key decisions, such as appointing the headteacher
  • Governors' decisions directly affect the education and well being of children
  • Governors can make a difference in improving standards throughout a school.

Governor training and development

Training is an integral part of the development of every governor and this is organised and delivered through an annual training programme facilitated by specialist staff.

How do I become a school governor?

There are different ways of being appointed or elected to a governing body and governors normally serve a term of office of four years.

Swansea Association of Governing Bodies (SAGB)

The Swansea Association of Governing Bodies (the Association) was set up many years ago.

School governors FAQs

Some of our most frequently asked questions.
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Last modified on 18 August 2021