Applying for SBFLAG funding
The application consists of two stages and the SBFLAG staff are on hand to help you at any point during the application process.
The FLAG can only fund projects that have not started yet. If work has already begun on any part of the project, then you will not be able to apply for funding for that stage. Projects must meet with the FLAG key themes and objectives and the beneficiaries and outputs of your project must be mainly within the FLAG operational area.
FLAG funding is given on a reimbursement basis and approved funding will be paid to you upon evidence of project spend. However you can claim throughout projects, stage by stage, if you need to.
Projects are assessed by the SBFLAG members. We keep applications as anonymous as possible throughout the application process. Projects will only be made public if they are approved for funding.
Stage 1 - The first stage is to submit a completed project idea form (PIF) to the SBFLAG. Fill in as much information as possible so that we can accurately assess your project idea. However, if you do not have all the information at this time contact the SBFLAG Animateur who can help you gather the information required. They will check eligibility and send an anonymous summary of the form to the FLAG board for initial comments, suggestions or improvements.
Stage 2 - After your project idea has been approved you will be asked to complete a full application providing further detail around your project idea. This will include a detailed breakdown of costs, a project plan showing tasks and timelines. Full details of requirements are included on the application.