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Safeguarding adults

Safeguarding adults is a term used to explain how agencies (such as the police, social services and the health services) as well as the general public, work together to keep safe those adults who are at risk of neglect or abuse.

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. If you suspect that abuse or neglect is taking place, you should report your concerns. You should not ignore your concerns or assume that someone else will report the abuse.

What is abuse?

Abuse is when someone does or says things to another person to hurt, upset or make them frightened. It can consist of single or repeated acts. Adult abuse is wrong and can happen to anyone who is 18 years of age or over.

The abuse can be committed by anyone, but is often from someone who is in a position of trust - a relative, friend, paid worker or volunteer.

Concerned about possible abuse?

What you should do if you think a vulnerable adult is at risk of being abused.

Adult Safeguarding

To report suspected abuse or a safeguarding concern about an adult.
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Last modified on 24 August 2021