Standing Advisory Council for Religion, Values and Ethics - Annual report 2022-2023
All local authorities (LAs) are required to constitute a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) within their local area. Following the launch of the Curriculum for Wales in September 2022, all local authorities are required to constitute a Standing Advisory Council for Religion, Values and Ethics (SACRVE) within their local area.
Section 1
Information about SACRE
1.1 Duty to establish SACRE
1.2 Composition of SACRE
1.3 Membership of SACRE
1.4 Functions and duties of SACRE
1.5 Meetings
1.6 Circulation of report
Section 2
Advice on Religious Education / Religion, Values and Ethics
2.1 The locally agreed syllabus
2.2 Standards in RE / RVE
2.3 Methods of teaching, teacher materials and professional learning
Section 3
Advice on Collective Worship
3.1 School inspection reports
3.2 Applications for determinations
3.3 School visits
Section 4
Other issues
4.2 Holocaust Memorial Day
4.3 Training of SACRE Members
Appendix 1 - Membership of SACRE
Appendix 2 - Schedule of meetings and agenda items
Appendix 3 - Circulation of report
Section 1
Information about SACRE / SACRVE
All local authorities (LAs) are required to constitute a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) within their local area. Following the launch of the Curriculum for Wales in September 2022, all local authorities are required to constitute a Standing Advisory Council for Religion, Values and Ethics (SACRVE) within their local area. It has been agreed that the two standing advisory councils will share membership within Swansea and run in conjunction with each other over the next four years. They have separate constitutions.
1.2 Composition of SACRE / SACRVE
Representation on SACRE is required as follows:
- such Christian and other religious denominations as, in the opinion of the LA, will appropriately reflect the principal religious traditions in the area;
- associations representing teachers; and
- the local authority.
1.3 Membership of SACRE / SACRVE
The list of members of Swansea SACRE / SACRVE is set out in Appendix 1.
1.4 Functions of SACRE / SACRVE
- To advise the LA on worship and the religious education / religion, values and ethics to be given in accordance with the agreed syllabus including methods of teaching, advice on materials and the provision of training for teachers;
- To consider whether to recommend to the LA that its current agreed syllabus should be reviewed by convening an Agreed Syllabus Conference;
- To consider whether the requirement that collective worship is a county school should be 'broadly Christian in nature' or should be varied (determinations);
- To report to the LA and the Welsh Government on its activities on an annual basis.
1.5 Meetings of SACRE / SACRVE
SACRE met on three occasions during the 2022-2023 academic year. The agenda for each meeting can be found in Appendix 2. All meetings were held as face-to-face meetings.
20 October 2022 - Guildhall, Swansea
15 February 2023 - St Illtyd's Church, Cockett
20 June - UWTSD, Swansea
A list of the organisations receiving the report can be found in Appendix 3.
Section 2
Advice on Religious Education / Religion, Values and Ethics
2.1 The locally agreed syllabus
Following adoption in 2008 of the Swansea agreed syllabus for Religious Education, and its readoption every five years, Swansea published its agreed syllabus for Religion, Values and Ethics in 2022.
The development of the agreed syllabus for RVE involved a wide range of stakeholders, including learners, teachers, SACRE members and the legal team within Swansea Council.
Swansea SACRE / SACRVE remain committed to ensuring that schools and teachers are supported to deliver high quality RE / RVE for their learners that not only meets their statutory duties but also allows learners to develop their religious and worldview literacy, essential for citizenship in today's diverse, multi-cultural and multi secular world.
SACRE has adopted a number of strategies for monitoring standards being achieved in religious education in the authority's schools, which include the following:
2.2a School inspection reports
SACRE has examined the relevant sections of LA school inspection reports. During the academic year September 2022 - September 2023, sixteen primary schools in Swansea were inspected, and three secondary schools which included two engagement visits. If any issues emerge regarding Religious Education, such as non-fulfilment of statutory requirements, then the LA follows this up by requesting the action plan and a progress report. There were no issues raised regarding RE within the reports. The full ESTYN overview will be shared with SACRE / SACRVE members at the Autumn 2023 meeting.
There were many positive comments regarding the provision of RE within the schools inspected.
2.2b Examination results
Examination results for GCSE and GCE Advanced Level achieved by pupils at the fourteen secondary schools within the LA have been analysed and considered. Figures that relate to results over the last five years were analysed to indicate trends in performance. The examination results are compared with the All-Wales figures, where available. The data was shared with SACRE members at the Autumn 2023 meeting.
It is noted that there has been a significant decrease in A-level entries and GCSE short course entries across the local authority. Three schools appear to operate on a full cohort entry for GCSE, with two schools having no GCSE entry for RS.
SACRE / SACRVE raised concerns over the significant decrease in entry numbers and have carried out an audit of provision at Key Stage 4 across the local authority.
SACRE/ SACRVE have discussed processes of informal monitoring of RE / RVE through mechanism other than ESTYN reports / examination results and will undertake further work on this over the next academic year.
2.3 Methods of teaching, teacher materials and teacher training
Professional Learning
An extensive professional learning offer has been shared with schools across Swansea to include:
- Training for school governors
- Biannual network meetings for secondary leads
- Twilight sessions for all practitioners
- One day training for newly qualified teachers
- One day training for early career teachers
- Bespoke and cluster training for schools
- Webinar (in collaboration with DARPL) exploring anti-Semitism and the challenges and opportunities for the Curriculum for Wales.
Teaching materials
- Utilising the grant from Westhill, Swansea have been able to provide schools with resources, pedagogy and training to support with the delivery of objective, critical and pluralistic RVE.
- All providers with sixth form provision have been invited to register two students for the Lessons from Auschwitz project, and all teachers have received information about the Holocaust Education Trust teacher training opportunities.
- The SACRE / SACRVE aspect of the LA website has been updated and is becoming populated with information of value to schools.
- Each SACRE / SACRVE meeting will incorporate an aspect of teaching and learning as an agenda item.
- Swansea SACRE / SACRVE continues to work closely with Partneriaeth in ensuring a collaborative approach towards professional learning.
- Swansea SACRE / SACRVE supported with the placement of two Swansea University intern students with the production of a short video exploring the diversity of faith within Swansea.
Section 3
Advice on Collective Worship
SACRE has examined the relevant sections of LA school inspection reports. During the academic year September 2022 - September 2023, nineteen schools were inspected.
Members were presented with a summary of findings from these inspections. If any issues emerge regarding collective worship such as non-fulfilment of statutory requirements, then the LA follows this up by requesting the action plan and a progress report. There were no issues highlighted by Estyn.
3.2 Applications for determination
No applications were received from schools for determinations to be made on the lifting of the requirements for collective worship to be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.
SACRE appreciates the opportunities accorded to members to observe acts of collective worship in schools. No acts of collective worship were observed this year.
Other issues
Following an extensive consultation period, Swansea SACRE and Swansea SACRVE in 2022-2023, adopted their new constitutions to align with legacy Religious Education and Religion, Values and Ethics within the Curriculum for Wales.
SACRE / SACRVE has continued to affiliate to WASACRE and representatives have attended its meetings. During the 2022-2023 academic year, issues considered at WASACRE meetings have been fully reported back to SACRE / SACRVE and full discussions have taken place.
4.3 Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
Holocaust Memorial Day was commemorated with six schools from Swansea participating in the live event. All SACRE / SACRVE members and schools across Swansea were invited to participate with the items being recorded and shared remotely.
As part of its training for members SACRE are committed to the following:
- To keep members updated on developments in RE / RVE and collective worship through regular presentations to SACRE / SACRVE members. The RE / RVE Adviser gives termly updates and regularly updates via email communication.
- SACRE / SACRVE, where possible, will hold meetings at schools in Swansea for members to familiarise themselves with RE and collective worship in schools. The Summer meeting this year was hosted by UWTSD.
- SACRE / SACRVE, where possible will hold meetings at places of worship in Swansea for members to familiarise themselves with the faith communities and look at the experience that could be offered to schools through school visits. The Spring meeting this year was hosted by St Illtyd's Church, Cockett.
- Each meeting will include at least one presentation regarding RE / RVE which informs SACRE / SACRVE members about RE / RVE practice both within and outside of the school environment. In 2022-2023, the following presentations were given:
- Presentation on the history and role of the Church in Swansea - Rev. Dr Jonathon Wright.
- RE / RE provision at UWTSD - Mrs Rachel Bendall.
- The role of SACRE in supporting and monitoring provision - RE / RVE Adviser.
SACRE / SACRVE is very appreciative of the opportunities offered through visits and presentations to become more informed on RE and Collective Worship issues in schools and would like to extend their appreciation to all concerned.
4.5 Membership of SACRE / SACRVE
Swansea SACRE / SACRVE prides itself on the inclusive nature of its membership and encourages a range of diverse views to be expressed on the committee and during meetings. The membership is strong and diverse and provides a real reflection on both the 'religious and secular' nature of the LA.
Swansea SACRE / SACRVE currently have two co-opted members.
The committee now has two senior leaders from schools across the authority as well as a number of practising RE / RVE teachers.
Membership is now almost at full capacity; there is currently one vacancy for a representative from the Sikh community and one from the Roman Catholic community. At the Spring meeting, Brian Cainen shared his decision to retire from the committee. Swansea SACRE / SACRVE extend their deep gratitude to Brian for his commitment to the committee and in providing the very best opportunities for learners across Swansea schools.
Appendix 1: Swansea SACRE / SACRVE Membership 2022-2023
Christian denominations and other religions (17)
Church in Wales (3):
John Meredith, Director of Education
Revd Ian Folks, Central Swansea Ministry Team
Revd Dr Jonathon Wright, Priest in Charge, the Benefice of Swansea St Peter (Cockett)
Roman Catholic (3):
Mr Paul White, Director of Education
Adele Thomas, RE department, Bishop Vaughan Catholic Comprehensive
Nonconformist (3):
Mr Paul Davies
Mr Kevin Davies
Mr Brin Jones (Methodist)
Hebrew Community (1):
Mrs Norma Glass
Muslim Community (2):
Moshen Elbeltagi
Sheikh Eunus Ali
Hindu Community (1):
Dr Minkesh Sood
Sikh Community (1):
Buddhist Community (1):
Mr Roland Jones
Humanist Association (1):
Mr Brian Cainen
Bah'i representative (1):
Rita Green
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1):
Norma Jensen
Teacher associations (7):
SHA - Jeffrey Connick (Secondary HT / Welsh medium)
NEU - Alison Lewis (Secondary teacher)
NAS / UWT - Claire Foley (Primary teacher)
UCAC - Rachel Bendall (Higher Education RE lecturer)
NAHT - John Owen (Primary HT)
VOICE - Mrs Heather Hansen (Secondary head of department - Faith school)
UCU - Briony Knibbs (Further education RE lecturer)
Local Education Authority (5):
Councillor Yvonne Jardine
Councillor Lyndon Jones
Councillor Mary Jones
Councillor Jess Pritchard
Councillor Sam Pritchard
Co-opted membership:
Mrs Ruth Jenkins - representing secondary education
Mrs Tanya Long - retired RE HoD / Chief examiner for WJEC)
SACRE officers:
Mrs Jennifer Harding-Richards - RE / RVE Advisor
Mrs Nikki Hill - Education Department, Swansea Council
Miss Agnieszka Majewska - Education Department, Swansea Council
Appendix 2: Schedule of meetings and agenda items
The main items of business on the agenda included:
20 October 2022
- Welcome
- Membership update and introductions
- Apologies for absence
- Accuracy of minutes and matters arising
- Frequency of meetings
- Swansea SACRE / SACRVE Constitution
- Swansea RVE Agreed Syllabus
- Data
- RE Hubs
15 February 2023
- Welcome
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
- Election of chair and vice chair
- Annual report 2021-2022
- SACRE / SACRVE Constitution
- Swansea RVE Agreed Syllabus;
Professional Learning
Teacher feedback
Informal monitoring - Swansea SACRE / SACRVE website
- University interns
Spring meeting
20 June 2023
- Introduction and welcome from Rachel Bendall, UWTSD PGCE RE Lead
- Thanks, welcome and introduction to new members
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of previous meeting and any matters arising
- Spring WASACRE meeting and update on membership
- Supporting RE / RVE
Professional learning
Support materials / new bid
FREE support materials for RVE in Wales (
RE Hubs
Explore RE in your region (
WG playlist
Repository - Hwb (
Sharing of practice - Monitoring RE / RVE
Welsh Government / Estyn
School feedback - HT
KS4 audit of provision / SCCASH presentation
Agreed syllabus - Welsh Government communication
- Dates / locations of 2023 / 24 meetings
Appendix 3: Swansea SACRE / SACRVE priorities 2022-2024
Swansea SACRE / SACRVE's statutory duties include:
► To require the local authority to review its current Agreed Syllabus after 5 years.
► To advise the LA on matters such as:
- Meeting statutory requirements;
- How the agreed syllabus for RE / RVE is best delivered;
- Methods of teaching;
- Resources and teaching materials to be used;
- Training of teachers.
► To monitor the provision for RE / RVE and collective worship and consider any action it may take to improve such provision.
► To consider complaints about the provision and delivery of statutory RE / RVE and collective worship.
► To consider any application from a school for a 'determination' to lift the requirement for the majority of acts of worship in that school to be 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character'.
► To publish an annual report giving details of its work, advice given by SACRE / SACRVE to the local authority, and deal with matters about which the authority has sought advice from SACRE / SACRVE.
Copies will be sent electronically to the relevant bodies. This report will be available on the WASACRE website for interested parties to download. It will also be uploaded onto the SACRE / SACRVE section of the Swansea Council website.
Swansea Council Education Authority
All members of SACRE / SACRVE
Headteachers and governing bodies of all schools and colleges in the city and county of Swansea
Diocese of Swansea and Brecon
Partneriaeth consortium
Minister for Education, Welsh Government