Road safety in schools
We help educate children from a young age about road safety through our work with schools.
Pedestrian training - Kerbcraft
Kerbcraft is a child pedestrian training scheme for children aged 5-7 years old, delivered in and around schools.
It focusses on three modules:
- Crossing at a safer place
- Crossing between parked cars
- Crossing at junctions
Cycle training - National Standard Level 1 and 2
Cycle training levels 1 and 2 are aimed at Year 6 pupils and prepares them to become independent road users:
- level 1 takes place in an environment away from roads and traffic usually in the school playground
- level 2 takes place on local roads giving pupils a real cycling experience
Secondary schools
Secondary school assemblies and lessons provide pupils in Year 7 and 9 with road safety skills for choosing safer options when crossing roads and how to prepare for future independent travel.
Pupils in Year 11 and above are provided with pre-driver advice based on the Fatal 5: inappropriate speed; careless driving; drink/drug driving; risks associated using a hand-held device whilst driving; and the law relating to seat belts.
For further information please contact us.