You can report a range of issues and problems online.
All forms are available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.
Report an abandoned vehicle
Let us know about an abandoned vehicle so we can deal with it.
Report anti-social behaviour on council estates
If you are a council tenant or live on a council estate and are being affected by anti-social behaviour, let us know so that we can help deal with it.
Blue Badge fraud or misuse
If you suspect a blue badge is being misused you can report it to us.
Benefit fraud
Find out more about benefit fraud and how you can help to prevent it.
Report fraud
If you suspect a person or company is committing fraud against the council you can report it to use using our online form.
Missed collection
Let us know if your rubbish or recycling hasn't been collected.
Report litter in the street
Report litter in the street so we can deal with it.
Report flytipping
Let us know about flytipping of household or business waste. Flytipping is a criminal offence, and if caught you could be prosecuted.
Report a syringe or needle
If you find a syringe or needle in a public area then do not touch it but report it to us as soon as possible. We will then have it removed safely.
Report an overflowing litter bin
Report a litter bin that is overflowing so we can empty it.
Report flyposting
If you see flyposting then report it to us. Flyposting is a criminal offence, and if caught, flyposters could be prosecuted.
Report dog fouling
Report dog fouling for cleaning or report a person who allows their dog to foul the highway.
Report dog fouling bin to be emptied
Report a dog fouling bin that has not been emptied for us to deal with.
Planning enforcement complaint form
Please let us know if you would like us to investigate a possible breach of planning control.
Report a pothole online
Report a pothole and we'll aim to fix it within 48 hours of you reporting it (weather permitting).
Tell us about problems with public toilets
If you have a problem with any of our public toilets please tell us. If there are staff on site please report problems to them first so we can sort the problem quickly.
Council Tax: register/report a change of circumstances
If your circumstances change you must let us know straight away so we can adjust your bill and update our records.
Report a change of circumstances which may affect your benefits
Report a change of circumstances affecting Council Tax Reduction or Housing Benefit.
Report a pollution problem
You can let us know about a problem with noise, water, land or air pollution. The first thing you should do is speak to the person or business who is causing the nuisance. They may not realise there is a problem and will often help.
Report a parking problem
We have a responsibility to enforce certain parking restrictions. You can tell us about any parking problems relating to these enforcement areas using this form.
Report a car park problem
You can tell us about any problems within our car parks using this form.
Report a problem with roads and pavements
Let us know of any problems on roads or pavements so that we can repair them.
Report a problem with 20mph speed limit signs
Please let us know if there is an issue with any speed limit signs in Swansea, specifically in relation to the new 20mph speed limit.
Scam alerts and reports
If you've seen a scam recently then you can report it to us using our online form. You can also view the latest scam alerts.
Report a street lighting fault
Let us know about any problems with street lights so that we can fix them.
Children missing from education (CME)
If you think a child and/or young person is missing from education (in whatever capacity), please inform the education department by making a referral.
Suspected food poisoning investigation
Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. It's not usually serious, and most people get better within a few days without treatment.
Make a complaint
Complete this form if you want to make a complaint about a council service.
Make a comment or compliment
We are interested to know how we could do things better and we like to know when we are doing things well.
Do you have a topic for Scrutiny?
Everyone who lives or works in our city and county can make a request for Scrutiny to look at matters that affect our community.
CCTV complaint form
If you wish to make a complaint about the Council's use of CCTV cameras, please use our online form.
Report a problem with a public footpath or bridleway
Let us know if you spot a problem with any of the public footpaths or bridleways around Swansea or Gower.
Council Tax Reduction Fraud - Report an undeclared partner
Use this form to report someone who is claiming Council Tax Reduction and has a partner they have not declared.
Council Tax Reduction Fraud - Report another type of fraud
Use this form to report someone who is claiming Council Tax Reduction and is committing another type of fraud for example undeclared income.
Council Tax Reduction Fraud - Report someone living elsewhere
Use this form to report someone who is claiming Council Tax Reduction and claims benefit at one address and lives elsewhere.
Council Tax Reduction Fraud - Report undeclared ownership of land or property
Use this form to report someone who is claiming Council Tax Reduction and owns land or property they have not declared.
Council Tax Reduction Fraud - Report undeclared savings
Use this form to report someone who is claiming Council Tax Reduction and has savings but has not declared them.
Council Tax Reduction Fraud - Report undeclared work
Use this form to report someone who is claiming Council Tax Reduction and is working but has not declared it.
Free school meals - report a change of circumstances
Please tell us if your circumstances change.
Comments and feedback on the housing service
Let us know what you think of the service you have received or if you think we can make any improvements.
Report damaged road surface online
Let us know about damage to the road or footpath surface.
Report damaged or broken paving stones online
Let us know of any damaged or broken paving stones so we can arrange for them to be repaired or replaced.
Report other problems with roads and pavements
Report any other issues with roads and pavements including damaged benches and railings, graffiti, traffic lights, overhanging branches, highways safety for example rocks, obstruction and weeds.
Report snow or ice on the road or pavement online
Snow and ice can be dangerous on roads and pavements so please let us know of any issues.
Report moving or leaving premises so we can update your business rates records
If you are moving premises within Swansea, or are vacating your business premises please let us know so we can update your details.
Last modified on 16 August 2024