The Regional Technical Statement for the North Wales and South Wales Regional Aggregate Working Parties- Second Review (RTS2) (September 2020)
Minerals Technical Advice Note 1: Aggregates (2004) (MTAN 1) requires the preparation of Regional Technical Statements (RTS) for the areas covered by both the South Wales and North Wales Regional Aggregates Working Parties (RAWPs).
The document provides a strategy for the future supply of construction aggregates within the Region, taking account of the latest available information regarding the balance of supply and demand, and current notions of sustainability.
The RTS Review provides a mechanism for encouraging the national sustainability objectives relating to minerals to be met by the individual Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) within each Region over a period of up to 25 years (for crushed rock) or 22 years, in the case of land-based sand & gravel. The RTS Review provides specific recommendations to the constituent LPAs regarding the quantities of aggregate which need to be supplied from each area (apportionments) and the nature and size of any allocations which may need to be made in their Local Development Plan (LDP) to ensure that adequate provision is maintained throughout the relevant Plan Period. Further details are provided in the Appendices (Appendix B (South Wales)).