Recycling centre booking frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about the booking system for Llansamlet Recycling Centre.
Why have you introduced a booking system?
The booking system will allow us to spread the visit time of residents throughout the day and avoid queues, which will allow traffic to flow safely and reduce wait times.
Is there a cost for booking?
No. The booking system is free.
Should I turn up early?
Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your scheduled time slot or more than 10 minutes into your scheduled slot as you may not be permitted entry.
Will there be queues?
If everyone uses the booking system, queues should be minimal. If people arrive without a booking, it will cause delays and queues for others.
What do I need to bring with me?
You will need to bring a copy of your booking confirmation email (a phone screenshot is fine) as well as proof of Swansea address such as a recent council tax or utility bill, driving licence or passport.
Can I book to visit on the same day?
Yes you can but you will have to make sure you take a copy of your booking confirmation with you as proof of this booking.
What waste and recycling can I bring to Llansamlet?
You can find a full list of what is accepted on the recycling centre web page.
Are you taking black bags and non-recyclable waste?
Black bags and non-recyclable waste are accepted at Llansamlet and Clyne recycling centres.
Black bags are for non-recyclable waste only. Any bags containing recyclable items will not be accepted with only limited sorting available on site.
Can I bring my van or trailer?
Yes, as long as you have the relevant permit for it.
What if I or someone I know is unable to book a visit using the web page?
You can book a visit on behalf of someone else eg a close relative if they require assistance, or they can book by phone at 01792 635600.
How many visits can I make?
We have not introduced a formal limit at this stage but will be monitoring the number of applications made by each address and take action to limit this for individuals who we feel are visiting excessively without good reason.
Do I need to book to visit the other recycling centres?
No. prior booking is not needed to visit any of our other sites.
What if I can no longer make my booked slot?
To cancel your booking simply forward your booking confirmation email with a cancellation request to as soon as possible before your slot so that it can be allocated to another resident.