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Recruitment and training support for businesses

There are a range of funded recruitment support services and training programmes delivered by us and our partners.


Workways+ (opens new window)

Workways+ is an employability programme delivered by us. The project's team of employer liaison officers can match local people with local businesses, helping them gain the vital skills and experience needed to find long-term employment and helping businesses to meet their corporate social responsibility.

Workways+ can assist your business by:

  • providing a FREE recruitment service for employer and potential employees
  • helping make recruitment easier and quicker
  • providing suitable candidates for vacancies
  • assisting with work trials and taster days
  • preparing potential candidates with suitable training

Services are free to use, for more information on how your business can benefit from Workways+ support, please contact the Workways+ team:

Tel: 01792 637112


Apprentices can be an innovate way to fill the skill gaps within your business. Apprentices are often considered as a means of recruiting new employees to your business; whilst this may be the case, an apprenticeship can also be a means of upskilling your existing workforce. 

Apprentice courses are now available all the way up to degree level and available across 23 individual sectors. 

Financial incentives are available to all businesses recruiting an apprentice 

Business Wales can provide support in recruiting apprentices to your business. For further details including an employer's guide visit: Business Wales - apprenticeships (opens new window) 


Training and development

Skills for Industry (Gower College Swansea) (opens new window)

The Skills for Industry project provides financial support to businesses to invest in training in order to upskill their workforce and increase productivity. 

Qualifications range from Level 1 to Level 7.

Small businesses (up to 50 employees) - 70% off
Medium businesses (51-249 employees) - 60% off
Large businesses (250+ employees) - 50% off

Personal Learning Account (PLA) (opens new window)

The PLA provides flexible and fully funded part time learning courses in specific areas. This will enable individuals to obtain skills and qualification to either progress their current career or embark on a new pathway. Applicants must be over 19 years old, living in Wales and be employed or self-employed earning under £26,000 per annum.

Food Skills Cymru (opens new window)

Food Skills Cymru provides training support to the Welsh food and drink manufacturing and processing industry to ensure employees have the right skills. Funding is available for the completion of technical and staff development training - both accredited and non-accredited.

The amount of funding available is dependent on the size of the business:

  • Micro (1-10 employees) = up to 80%
  • SMEs (11-249 employees) = up to 70%
  • Large (250+ employees) = up to 50%

METaL Programme (opens new window)

METaL delivers advanced materials and manufacturing training through the provision of short, 10 credit courses at level 4 and above. The key aim of the programme is to address the skills shortage in the material and manufacturing workforce which will ultimately help secure sustainability for Welsh industry.

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Last modified on 28 November 2023