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Purple Flag Award

Swansea has won a Purple Flag which aims to raise standards and improve the quality of our towns and cities between the hours of 5.00pm and 5.00am.

Purple flag logo.

We want to make sure that people visiting Swansea feel safe and that they are in a city that is clean, attractive and accessible.

A city where they can have a good night out, not just in the local pubs and clubs but at a wide range of activities including arts and culture, leisure, food and dining, education and events.

The prestigious Purple Flag award is a national accreditation scheme that recognises excellent management of city centres at night, similar to the Blue Flag for beaches and Green Flag for parks, and is backed by the government, police and business. 

Swansea is the only place in Wales to hold all Blue, Green and Purple flags currently and only one of a handful of places in the UK to hold them all.

Places that have been awarded the Purple Flag have shown that by encouraging a wide range of people into the centre at night, the rate of anti-social behaviour lowers.

What area does the Purple Flag cover?

The City Centre north to Mansel Street/Alexandra Road and the Train Station, east to the river, south to the Marina, and west to Dillwyn Street.  

  Have a look at the Purple Flag area map (PDF, 466 KB) 

Who is involved in the Purple Flag process?

Safer Swansea Partnership, Swansea City Council, South Wales Police, Swansea Bay University Health Board, Business Crime Reduction Partnership, Swansea Licensees Forum, Swansea University, Street Pastors, Swansea Bid, private businesses including shops, restaurants, pubs and clubs, local media, sport and entertainment providers.

What are the benefits of having Purple Flag status?

For local businesses

  • a raised profile and an improved public image
  • opportunity to promote on the Purple Flag website
  • a more successful mixed-use economy
  • increased visitors
  • increased expenditure
  • longer term economic viability

For everyone

  • a wider range of attractions
  • lower crime and anti-social behaviour
  • supporting services maintained
  • a vibrant city.


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Last modified on 15 February 2023