How can members of the public get involved in scrutiny?
If you are a member of the public and would like to get involved in scrutiny then there are a number of ways.
Attend a meeting
All scrutiny meetings are open to members of the public.
The Scrutiny Programme Committee is held monthly. To view the dates of this and other scrutiny meetings please visit the Council's calendar of meetings ( (opens new window).
All information about scrutiny meetings, including the agenda, minutes, and outcomes are available Agendas and minutes ( (opens new window). Details of the location and agenda papers are available in the week before the meeting.
If you would like to attend a Scrutiny meeting then please contact the scrutiny team on 01792 637732.
During the evidence gathering stage of an inquiry a range of stakeholders will be consulted in order to gain evidence. Details of all our consultations can be found on the Have your say. We also advertise consultations through the Scrutiny Blog, press releases or in the local newspaper.
Alternatively for further information please contact the scrutiny team.
Make a request for scrutiny
Any member of the public who lives or works within the city and county of Swansea can make a request for scrutiny on matters of concern.
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