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Passport to Leisure

Passport to Leisure (PTL) is our discount scheme for Swansea residents who are on a low income.

The Passport to Leisure scheme offers discounts on a wide range of sports and leisure venues throughout Swansea, along with various discounts in private companies.

Please note the Passport to Leisure application fee is now £3.00 per applicant.

Are you eligible for Passport to Leisure?

Passport to Leisure is available to residents within the city and county of Swansea who meet the relevant conditions.

What can I use as proof to join PTL?

You can use a number of documents as proof of your eligibility for Passport to Leisure.

Where can I save with PTL?

You can receive discounts of up to 60% off the adult price at various leisure venues.

Apply for Passport to Leisure (PTL)

You can use our online application for a Passport to Leisure - this will take you to a different website.

Passport to Leisure photographs

To make sure that your photograph can be used for your PTL card

Passport to Leisure terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for the Passport to Leisure scheme.

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Last modified on 01 April 2024