Protect yourself and others from scams
Scam mail is designed to look official and authentic. There are signs to look out for to identify a possible scam and protect yourself and others from the scammers.
Be alert to scams. If you have had uninvited contact, always consider the possibility it is a scam. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Know who you are dealing with. If you are unsure if the person or business is legitimate then do some research on them. Search the internet for others who may have had dealings with them.
Do not open suspicious links, emails, texts or pop-up windows. If you are unsure carry out an internet search for information. Don't use contact details contained in the message.
Beware of any requests for personal details or money. Never send money, credit card details, online account details or personal details to anyone you don't know or don't trust. Don't agree to transfer money or goods on someone else's behalf; it is money laundering and is illegal.
Register with the Telephone Preference Service (opens new window) to stop unwanted sales and marketing calls.
Register with the Mail Preference Service (opens new window) to stop unwanted advertising mail.
If you think you or a family member is receiving scam mail you can report it to the Royal Mail (opens new window) who are working with the relevant authorities who can then investigate and take action.