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Tackling Poverty Strategy

The strategy is part of the Council's policy commitments and aims to outline our proposed approach to reducing and alleviating the impacts of poverty.

Tackling Poverty Strategy (PDF, 646 KB)

In Swansea, we define poverty as:

  • Income below the Minimum Income Standard.
  • Inadequate access to necessary services of good quality.
  • Inadequate opportunity or resource to join in with social, cultural, leisure and decision making activities.

Swansea Council is committed to reducing poverty and the impacts that poverty has upon its citizens.  Poverty limits aspirations, damages relationships and ensures a loss of life chances.

Our Vision for Swansea

The Council aspires to achieve a Swansea in which:

  • Income poverty is not a barrier to doing well at school, having a healthy and vibrant life, developing skills and qualifications and having a fulfilling occupation.
  • Service poverty is tackled through targeting resources where they have the most effect, with decisions about that made in conjunction with service users.
  • Participation is enjoyed by all our residents, who have the opportunity and resources to join in with social, cultural and leisure activities and decision-making.
  • Residents Maximise their Income and get the most out of the money that they have. 
  • Residents avoid paying the 'Poverty Premium', the extra costs people on low incomes must pay for essentials such as fuel and transport.
  • Barriers to Employment such as transport and childcare are removed.

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Last modified on 02 September 2021