Small area annual population estimates
Population estimates for small areas in Swansea are published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The most recent population data available for Electoral Wards and Super Output Areas (SOAs) in Swansea are the mid-2022 estimates. Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are statistical reporting units developed by ONS with a population of between 1,000 and 3,000 people. Middle layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) are built from groups of adjacent LSOAs and have a population between 5,000 and 15,000.
Summary local population estimates (2022) are available on this page. The LSOA (PDF) [356KB], MSOA (PDF) [724KB] and Ward (PDF) [339KB] data for areas in Swansea is shown on the basis of the broad life stage groups: children (0-15), working age (16-64) and older people (65+). An additional file (Excel doc) [234KB] is available showing the population data by single year of age for small areas in Swansea, to help in calculations and analysis.
Further information about the small area population estimates is available via the ONS website (opens new window).
Both the electoral ward and SOA boundaries in Swansea changed in 2022. The ward boundaries changed following the latest Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales review and Local Government Elections on 5 May 2022. Separately, the statistical geographies are subject to review alongside the publication of new Census results every ten years. Following the 2021 Census, Swansea has gained two net additional LSOAs, but has one fewer MSOA.
Map images on this page also show the broad location of the 30 MSOAs (PDF) [4MB] and 32 Electoral Wards (PDF) [4MB] in Swansea. Individual maps of Swansea's Super Output Areas and Wards are also available. These pages also include details of the recent boundary changes in each case.
Please note: the latest local authority level population estimates for mid-2023, together with revised estimates for mid-2022, were published by ONS on 15 July 2024. Therefore, the small area population estimates for wards and SOAs are no longer consistent with the latest local authority level estimates for mid-2023 or revised estimates for mid-2022.
Community level statistics
The latest population estimates for Community and Town Council areas are from the 2021 Census. Age breakdowns for these areas are available (PDF) [339KB] for the three broad groups. Individual maps and further information about the Community areas in Swansea is available here.
If you have any further enquiries regarding small area population estimates in Swansea, please contact us.
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