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Comment on a planning application

Anyone is entitled to comment on a planning application.

You can comment on a planning application via the planning application search. Search for the application number and click on the 'comment on application' link.

We normally allow 21 days for comments to be made from the date the application is publicised.

Comments can be made in writing to the planning control team.

Comments should be submitted within the period specified in the site / press notice.

Please note that we do not accept anonymous comments related to planning applications. Anonymous comments received will not be considered when evaluating the application.

In assessing planning applications, we can only take into account comments that concern relevant planning considerations and not those based on personal dislikes, grievances, non-planning issues associated with nuisance claims or legal disputes, etc.

Examples of considerations can include:

  • siting, design and external appearance of the proposed development (eg height or bulk in relation to neighbouring properties)
  • loss of sunlight or daylight
  • loss of privacy
  • likelihood of undue noise, or fumes
  • adequacy of proposed parking and access arrangements
  • effect of additional traffic
  • effect on trees
  • landscaping and proposals for boundary treatment (walls or fences)

Objections which are generally not planning related and which normally cannot be taken into account include:

  • effect on property values
  • effect on structural stability (this may be covered by the Building Regulations)
  • noise, disturbance or inconvenience resulting from construction works (this is covered by the Control of Pollution Act)
  • boundary disputes (including party wall agreement issues)
  • restrictive covenants (including rights to light)
  • opposition to business competition
  • applicant's personal circumstances (unless these can be show to be relevant in planning terms eg provision of disabled facilities)
  • opposition to the principle of development for which outline planning permission has already been granted.


Speaking rights protocols - having your say at Swansea Council's planning committee

Listening to the people's views is an important part of Swansea Council's work. The planning committee welcome representations from local people about planning applications that affect them.

The planning committee decide the larger, complex or more controversial planning applications in the city.

Planning committee meetings may be held remotely or as a multi-location meeting, such as in person and online. Details of the venue for each meeting will be provided when the agenda is finalised.

Any representations submitted will be summarised in the committee report and taken into account in the preparation of the recommendation.

Should you have any additional representations to make, you should submit these in writing to by midday the working day prior to the committee. These comments must be no more than 500 words and should be limited to new issues only.

Comments will be made available to committee members. The council will not consider any offensive or potentially libellous comments.

Anybody who has previously commented on the application has the right to make a statement to committee, subject to advance notice being given by midday the working day prior to the committee. Please contact Democratic Services on 01792 636923 or email to register. Any such verbal presentation would be limited to 5 minutes in total so you may need to liaise with other speakers to arrange timings.

The planning committee meeting can be viewed online: Watch meetings online

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Last modified on 02 February 2024