Planning, biodiversity and nature conservation
How our planning guidance and policies help with biodiversity and nature conservation.
Biodiversity and Development
This document provides guidance to augment Policies ER6, ER8 and ER9 of the LDP, and provide clarity on the interpretation of those policies, in order to ensure development within Swansea maintains and enhances the County's biodiversity and delivers long term ecosystem resilience. This aligns with the Council's duties under s6 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and the Resilient Wales Goal of the Well Being of Future Generations Act 2015, and is consistent with National Development Plan (Future Wales) Policy.
Biodiversity records
Many planning applications require the submission of ecological information. The council supports the best practice approach of sharing this ecological information with the local biodiversity records centre - SEWBReC (South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre).
Permitted development
All wildlife legislation still applies regardless of whether or not a development, plan or project requires planning permission.
Planning enforcement
Planning enforcement investigates possible breaches of planning control and aims to resolve these using the most appropriate means or action.
Swansea Local Development Plan 2023-2038 (LDP2)
Work is underway in preparing a new development plan for Swansea. Once adopted LDP2 will replace the existing Local Development Plan and will provide the new planning blueprint for future development across Swansea up to 2038.
Trees, Hedgerows and Woodlands SPG
This document provides guidance on how the relevant policies of the LDP should be applied to planning applications with respect to all existing, retained and newly planted trees, hedgerows and woodland on development sites.
Wildlife and the law
There is various national and international legislation that afford protection to certain species and habitats in Wales, including the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2019.
Last modified on 07 June 2024