Placemaking guidance for residential development
The council has adopted a set of guidance on how placemaking principles should be applied to residential developments at a variety of scales, from proposed extensions, to individual homes, to large scale residential proposals that will create whole new neighbourhoods.
Placemaking principles are at the heart of the council's strategic planning agenda and are a fundamental part of its approach to development management.
These three documents provide guidance on how key placemaking objectives and policy requirements set out in the development plan and national policy can be integrated into proposals, including:
- Development density
- Place-led streets
- Biodiversity gain and enhancement
- Green Infrastructure (GI)
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs)
- Privacy, amenity and comfort
The supplementary planning guidance documents were adopted by Planning Committee on 22 October 2021 following public consultation on a draft version. A copy of the public consultation report setting out the process followed which lead up to the adoption of the final version of the SPG is below.
Placemaking guidance for residential development
Relates to developments ranging from 10 homes up to many 100s of homes. This includes strategic mixed-use developments and higher density city centre developments.
Placemaking Guidance for Residential Development October 2021 (PDF, 8 MB)
Summary - Placemaking Guidance for Residential Developments (PDF, 1 MB)
Consultation Report - Placemaking Guidance for Residential Development (PDF, 1 MB)
Placemaking guidance for infill and backland development
Focusses on developments of 1-10 homes within existing communities.
Placemaking Guidance for Infill and Backland October 2021 (PDF, 4 MB)
Summary - Placemaking Guidance for Infill and Backland Development (PDF, 1 MB)
Consultation report - Placemaking Guidance for Infill and Backland Development (PDF, 1 MB)
Placemaking guidance for householder development
Relates to alterations and extensions to existing homes.
Placemaking Guidance for Householder Development October 2021 (PDF, 3 MB)
Summary - Placemaking Guidance for Householder Developments (PDF, 941 KB)
Consultation Report - Placemaking Guidance for Householder Development (PDF, 732 KB)
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