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Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy is a concept that facilitates the holistic development of every individual so they can continue to be physically active throughout their life.

Physical Literacy (IS)
Holistic development includes developing 'the whole person' in a range of different domains including the physical, the cognitive, the affective (emotional) and the social. By developing Physical Literacy, an individual will become happy and healthy to enjoy positive, fun and safe physical activity whatever age or ability they may be.

Physical Literacy involves developing the physical skills of individuals (for example balance, co-ordination or strength) so that they may take part in a range of sports or physical activities, whether recreationally or competitively. Movement skills and physical competence also create a better quality of life and allow individuals physical capacity (for example being able to carry out daily tasks such as climbing the stairs, carrying shopping bags or balancing across a room) whether a toddler, a person with a disability or an elderly person. The wider the range of physical skills and experiences an individual has, the more opportunities they will have as they grow into adolescents and  adulthood.

Positive experiences in physical activity develop a person's intrinsic motivation and confidence to be able to acquire the skills to be physically active in a range of situations and changing environments. Also by developing knowledge and understanding of physical activity, individuals will experience deeper learning and be able to transfer skills into other aspects of their lives. By developing Physical Literacy, individuals will learn to value physical activity, understand the benefits of it and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

Physical Literacy Projects the AYP team are involved in

  • Early Years - we engage with a range of childcare settings
  • parental engagement  - we support families to develop Physical Literacy
  • school and community sessions - we work with young people to develop Physical Literacy

Early Years

Our Early Years project works with nurseries and early years settings to increase opportunities to be active from a very young age. This is a priority area for the team, as research has shown when very young children develop good physical literacy, they have a much higher chance of being involved in physical activity throughout their lives. An example of one of our projects in this area is with Skip Cymru (opens new window).

We also work with parents and young children to engage them with physical activities through story books. Our team actively encourage parental engagement. This means that parents, grandparents and carers are actively involved and understand the importance of physical activity on health and education in the very young.



Mobile streetsport provision on your doorstep. This project is a reactive service open to the needs of local communities. Our recreational, fun, easy going sports sessions can be seen throughout the city where young people get active together with friends. Whether it be skateboarding, multisports, basketball, tennis or dodgeball our team are ready and willing to visit a community near you!

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Last modified on 17 August 2021