Phone and email contacts
How to get in touch with us via phone or email.
You'll find direct numbers and contact details for different sections of the council on their information pages.
The general telephone number (during office hours) is 01792 636000
For out of hours emergencies: Emergency contacts
Technology improvements now allow people with impaired hearing to use normal phone lines more easily than the Textphone service, which has now been withdrawn. Written electronic communication should be to the email address for the relevant service.
The postal address is:
City and County of Swansea, Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3SN.
If you can't find the contact that you are looking for in the list above, you can email:
The Chief Executive can be contacted at:
If you have a complaint that has not been resolved by the relevant department, please get in touch via the complaints section.