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ALN - Person Centred Review

A Person Centred Review (PCR) is a way of working together and communicating positively with each other, always with the child or young person at the centre of the process.

The Additional Learning Needs Education Tribunal (ALNET) Act 2018 focusses on putting the child / young person at the centre of the review process, this is achieved through the Person Centred Review (PCR).

Person Centred Review (PCR) aims to put the child / young person and their family at the centre of all planning and decisions that affect them. The PCR ensures that the child / young person and their families are listened to, respected, valued and cared for. We use a PCR to help to decide how best to support children / young people who have additional learning needs requiring additional learning provision with the input of the child / young person and their families.

Who gathers information?

How does the review work?

What are One Page profiles and Person Centred Outcomes?

When does the Person Centred Review take place?

I want to call a review, how do I do it?

What do I do if I disagree with things that happened in the review?


Who gathers information?

Before the review, your child / young person's teacher or teaching assistant (TA) will help capture the thoughts and views of your child / young person. This information will be shared with everyone during the person centred meeting and will help inform the next steps.

How does the review work?

A person centred meeting will be held regularly to ensure that the Individual Development Plan (IDP) is still suitable for your child / young person and the support in place is still relevant to help them achieve their aspirations. Your child / young person's thoughts, views and opinions will be at the heart of the review. It is important that those working with your child / young person are present at the review. Everyone attending will discuss what is currently working, not working and what everyone's aspirations are for your child / young person. Outcomes and actions to support your child / young person will be agreed. After the review, an action plan will be drawn up and the reviewed IDP will be shared with all relevant people.

What are One Page Profiles and Person Centred Outcomes?

All children / young people with additional learning needs will have a One Page Profile (OPP) and Person Centred outcomes. Both form part of the IDP document.

One Page Profiles

This profile will be written by your child / young person (supported where appropriate) and will contain detailed information about their strengths, what is important to them and how they like to be supported as well as what they need in order for them to achieve.

Person Centred Outcomes

Person Centred outcomes are the targets that your child / young person is going to be working on. They should build on what is working well, change what is not working well and have a strong focus on enabling your child / young person to move towards long-term aspirations. These will be written in conjunction with yourselves, your child / young person and all professionals involved.

When does the Person Centred Review take place?

The review can take place at any time but specifically under these circumstances:

  1. The child / young person, professional, parent / carer requests a review.
  2. Every 12 months.
  3. Change in circumstances for the child / young person.

I want to call a review, how do I do it?

Get in touch with the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) at the school / college; tell them why you want to arrange a review so that your concerns can be discussed and, if necessary, a PCR arranged.

What do I do if I disagree with things that happened in the review?

Speak to the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) at the school / college. They will help you and talk about your concerns and make a plan to address them. The ALN Caseworker team can support you further.


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Last modified on 09 March 2023