Charity highlights importance of period dignity grants
A charity has highlighted the importance of making free period products available to those that need them in a practical and dignified way.
Swansea MAD, which works with young people and communities to alleviate poverty, was one of 32 organisations in the city to successfully secure a Period Dignity in Communities grant last year.
Funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Swansea Council, the funding makes free period products available to women, girls, and people who menstruate, prioritising those from low-income households.
Council cabinet member for Well-being, Alyson Anthony, visited the charity's offices on High Street recently to find out more about the how scheme is working.
Cllr Anthony said: "What was clear is that there is a real need for this funding and that, during a time when many people are struggling financially, if people can access free period products it is one less worry for them.
"People can call into the offices and just collect the products that they need as they are discreetly and freely available by the front door.
"This removes any potential awkwardness or embarrassment but speaking to the team it was interesting to learn that when people do call, especially repeat callers, then they do start engaging with the charity and start accessing some of the other support that is available.
"Thanks to funding from our colleagues in Welsh Government there are now many locations in Swansea, including our council libraries, where free period products are easily accessible to those that need them."
Swansea MAD said the scheme makes a real difference to the lives of those that need the products.
Geraint Turner from the charity said: "We are very grateful for the funding as are our service users.
"For us tackling poverty underpins a lot of what we do and the ability to offer free period products in a discreet and dignified way is paramount - the dignity part of it is huge."