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Parking permit terms and conditions

It is an offence to give false or misleading information when applying for a parking permit.

By submitting an application you agree that you know that you will be liable to prosecution if you have wilfully said in it anything which is false. You also confirm that you understand that a parking permit does not guarantee a space for the vehicle to park and that misusing the permit will mean that it is withdrawn.

You also give your consent for the council to check the information given by you against other information it holds or with information held by government departments and other local councils. We may also share this information to check, prevent or detect fraud.

Resident parking permit - for your street

  1. Permits shall be given to bona fide car owning full time residents of the street concerned.
  2. A maximum of two permits can be issued per property, providing there are two vehicles registered at the address. Properties split into flats / bedsits will be treated as one property, so only 2 permits can be issued and on a first come first served basis.
  3. Permits will not be issued to residential complexes that have private parking provision.
  4. A resident parking permit last for 1 year from the date of issue and must then be renewed.
  5. They are free of charge
  6. Permits will be issued to vehicles no greater than 3500kg (maximum gross weight) and no more than 2.35m high and 5.35 metres long.
  7. Properties that have private off-road parking facilities, for example garages / driveways / hard standings for more than one vehicle will not qualify nor be issued with a resident permit.
  8. Properties with private off road parking facilities to accommodate one vehicle only, can qualify for one resident permit.

Resident parking permit - for a nearby street

You can apply for a resident parking permit in a nearby street if you don't have any off street parking facilities and cannot park outside your home because:

  • you live next to a principal traffic route OR
  • you live on a junction controlled by traffic lights OR
  • you live by a roundabout covered by a traffic order preventing parking.

Permits are only issued for a nearby street if space is available. A check will be carried out each time you apply for a permit in a nearby street as the balance may change year on year, this permit cannot be guaranteed when you apply initially or when you apply for a renewal. Note the evidence requirements below.

What evidence will you be asked to provide for a residents permit?

  1. Your V5 log book at your Swansea address.
  2. Your driving licence at your Swansea address.
  3. Your insurance document/certificate at your Swansea address.

Please note the payment of Council Tax is not one of the qualifying criteria for residents parking permit. 

Please note it is the applicants responsibility to provide the above evidence so no reminders will be sent.

Disabled drivers

If a disabled person owns a vehicle provided under the Motability Scheme, but cannot drive it and so uses a nominated driver, the nominated driver can be given a residents parking permit for their address even though it is not their car.

  1. You will have to provide a letter from the disabled person confirming you are their nominated driver AND
  2. A copy of the ownership / sales documentation from the Motability company confirming where the vehicle is kept.

Company vehicles

A permit for a company vehicle can only be issued if the vehicle is essential for your work and you need to keep it at your home. You will need to provide a letter from your employer, on their headed notepaper, confirming this is the case.

If you are self employed, you will need to provide written confirmation on your headed notepaper that the vehicle is essential for your work and you need to keep it at your home.


If you do not provide all the necessary evidence when asked, your application for a permit may be refused or your permit cancelled.

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Last modified on 22 May 2024