Our plan to put Human Rights at the centre of our decisions
In December 2022, Swansea Council and our Public Service Board declared Swansea Wales' first Human Rights City. Our vision is to embrace vibrant, diverse, fair and safe communities built on the foundations of universal human rights. Swansea Council is doing this by adopting a Human Rights based approach in all that we do. Our commitments within a Human Rights based approach are outlined below.
This means making sure good quality arrangements are in place to ensure that people are listened to, and their opinion is heard in decisions that are being made that affect them.
We will
- Provide people with the opportunity to have their say on new strategies when they are being created or re-newed.
- Learn from other organisations how they do this and share our experience with them.
- Create a Co-production Strategy and upskill Council staff to understand and utilise the co-production strategy successfully.
This means promoting rights to people, so they feel able to exercise them.
We will
- Give people the information they need to influence decisions that affect them.
- Continue to provide residents and visitors with information regarding their Human Rights and why they are important in their everyday lives.
Ensure there is an easy to use and accessible complaints and feedback procedure, so people know their voices are being heard and acted upon.
This means having systems in place to write down and evidence how we give thought to the impact of decisions on Human Rights. Making sure officers understand the Human Rights act and associated treaties and how their work impacts on Human Rights
We will
- Ensure leaders and staff have an up-to-date knowledge of Human Rights and help understand how it can benefit our organisation's work.
- Use our resources to deliver training on Human Rights.
- Re-view existing internal processes with regards to policy creation, ensuring explicit links are made to Human Rights.
- Ensure there are resources to support and promote Human Rights.
This means having systems in place to report on what we are doing to make rights a reality for residents and visitors to Swansea.
We will
- Publish an accessible annual update showing how we've worked towards making Human Rights a reality in Swansea.
- Provide a progress update bi-monthly (every 2 months) to Swansea Council's Strategic Equality and Future Generations Board and Swansea's Human Rights City Steering Group.
- Provide accessible information on how to provide feedback about what we are doing well or what we could improve upon.
Non discrimination
This means making specific efforts to ensure people who may be less likely to access their rights, have an equal opportunity to do so.
We will
- Make sure staff have up-to-date knowledge of the Equality Act and Human Rights Act and that they receive regular training to increase their awareness of different groups of people's needs.
- Use an Integrated Impact Assessment to consider how individual decisions could impact different groups of people.
- Use information we have about the needs of people of Swansea to consider whether our services reach all groups, particularly those who possess protected characteristics.
- Maintain City of Sanctuary status
As a Human Rights City we have 5 priorities chosen by residents and visitors of Swansea. See below to find out what they are and what we are doing as a Council to address them.
2. Vulnerable Children and Families