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Nature strategies and plans

Our strategies and plans that aid nature recovery.

Swansea Local Nature Recovery Action Plan

The Swansea Local Nature Recovery Action Plan (LNRAP) is a partnership plan produced by the Swansea Local Nature Partnership (LNP) in 2023.

Section 6 Biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty action plan (January 2023 - December 2025)

Since 2015, Swansea Council (together with all other public bodies) has been given increased responsibilities and legal duties to maintain and enhance the natural environment and biodiversity.

Climate change and nature recovery

Climate change is happening and is resulting in serious global challenges such as rising global temperatures, changing weather patterns, rising sea levels and increased extreme weather.

Regenerating our City for Wellbeing and Wildlife

This green infrastructure strategy, published jointly by Swansea Council and Natural Resources Wales, is designed to bring more nature into the Swansea Central Area.

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Last modified on 24 November 2023