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Swansea mobility hire

We provide powered scooters, wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs to help people who have limited mobility (through permanent or temporary disablement, illness, accident or age).

If you want to hire any equipment you will either need to be a member and pay an annual fee or you can join as a visitor and pay a one-off fee.

Day hire

Scooters available come in various weight limits:

  • up to 16 stone
  • 16 - 24 stone
  • 24 - 35 stone

Mobility vehicles available for day hire

Book a mobility vehicle for the day Book a mobility vehicle

Fees and charges for day hire

  • £3.20 for a half day session (9.00am - 12.45pm or 12.45pm - 4.30pm)
  • £5 for a full day session

Mobility vehicle boundary line for day hire


Long-term hire

  • wheelchairs (up to 18 stone)
  • scooter (up to 20 stone) - we only have one of these available currently

To book for a long-term hire please phone us: 01792 461785

Fees and charges for long-term hire

  • Wheelchairs: 
    • £4.80 per night
    • £13.50 per weekend (Friday to Monday)
    • £30 per week
  • Scooter (only one available at the moment)
    • £21 per night
    • £52.50 per weekend (Friday to Monday)
    • £105 per week


Mobility aids for sale

We sell a variety of aids and equipment in the shop. See in store for our full range or give us a call on 01792 461785 if you want to check before visiting.


Bag storage

Leave your luggage or shopping in a safe and secure place while you shop. We have 16 safe and secure lockers in the shop so you don't have to carry your luggage or shopping around whilst you're in the city centre:

Bag storage in the city centre Bag storage in the city centre


About Swansea mobility hire

Membership and visitor passes

Annual membership - to register as a member you will need to complete a simple registration form at the Swansea Mobility Hire office. You will also have to provide two proof of identification which show your name and address.

  • £15 per year

Visitor pass - tourists and day visitors will be required to provide two proofs of identification.

  • £7.50 one-off payment (on first visit)
    • subsequent visits - £7.50 full day, £3.90 half day (9.00am - 12.45pm or 12.45pm - 4.30pm)

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday, 9.00am - 5.00pm.

Please note that all equipment must be returned no later than 4.30pm.

Closed on bank holidays.


Changing Places

There is limited car parking available for customers on Garden Street to the rear of the mobility hire office (a small charge applies). Permits are issued by staff and must be displayed on vehicles at all times. The car park is operated on a first come first served basis, however the Quadrant multi-storey car park is next door if the car park becomes full.

How to find us

We are located in Swansea City Bus Station, on the south side towards Tesco. We are centrally located for easy access to the shops and facilities in the city centre. Vehicle access to the car park is available via Garden Street (follow the sign posts).

Mobility vehicles available for hire

Take a look at what equipment we have in stock.

Book a mobility vehicle

To avoid disappointment you can book a mobility vehicle in advance from us.

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Last modified on 06 January 2025