Lower Swansea Valley flood risk area
Information for residents and businesses in the Lower Swansea Valley that are at high risk of flooding from the River Tawe, Nant-y-Fendrod and Nant Bran.
These areas include:
- Swansea Vale
- Swansea Enterprise Park
- Riverside Caravan Park
- Beaufort Industrial Estate
- Plasmarl Industrial Estate
If your home is at risk of flooding, find out what actions to take before, during and after a flood.
Flood alerts are active in the Lower Swansea Valley area. Check flood warnings (Natural Resources Wales (opens new window)) or call the Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
Flooding advice for residents in the Lower Swansea Valley area
If you live in the Lower Swansea Valley area, there are things you can do to be better prepared for flooding.
You should:
- sign up for free flood warnings from Natural Resources Wales (opens new window)
- prepare a Household emergency plan (Word doc) [72KB]
- monitor Met Office (opens new window) advice for latest weather forecasts
- take appropriate action on receipt of flood warnings
- pack a flood kit of essential item such as medication, mobile phone and charger, change of clothing, small radio, torch, batteries, bottled water, antibacterial hand gel, emergency contact details and a copy of your home insurance policy.
What to do in an emergency:
- be prepared to act quickly to get to safety, this may involve being ready to evacuate your home
- co-operate with the emergency services if they tell you to evacuate and follow their instructions
- think about young children - do you have the essential items you need to look after them?
- think about your pets - if they are small, can they be transported in a pet carrier or a secure box? Do you have food and other supplies for them?
- turn off gas, electricity and water supplies and lock your property when you leave
- avoid walking or driving through flood water - flood water can be incredibly dangerous, just a small amount of flood water can be enough to knock you off your feet
- keep children and vulnerable people away from flood water
- wash thoroughly and seek medical advice if you come into contact with flood water as it could be contaminated
Evacuation procedures
If you need to be evacuated from your home, you will most likely be informed by a police officer (however, this is not always the case). Refusing to leave your home on their advice will put you, your family and those trying to help you at risk. Please make them aware of elderly or ill neighbours that you know of who might need special assistance.
When you are evacuated, you will be taken to a rest centre run by council staff. The people running the rest centre are trained and will be able to give you help and support.
There is no obligation to stay at the rest centre, especially if you wish to stay with friends or family. It is important to inform the police or council staff where you are going, so you can be told when it is safe to go home.
Let your neighbours know if you decide to leave your home while a flood warning is in place, so you can be accounted for in case of evacuation.
Flooding advice for businesses in the Lower Swansea Valley area
If you are a business in the Lower Swansea Valley area, there are things you can do to be better prepared for flooding.
You should:
- sign up for free flood warnings from Natural Resources Wales (opens new window)
- prepare a business flood plan in advance - you can find advice on the Natural Resources Wales (opens new window) website
- monitor Met Office (opens new window) advice for latest weather forecasts
- take appropriate action on receipt of flood warnings
- be ready to close your business and evacuate your staff and customers
What to do in an emergency:
- prioritise the safety of your staff and customers
- be prepared to act quickly to get to safety - this may involve being ready to evacuate your business premises
- co-operate with the emergency services if they tell you to evacuate and follow their instructions
- avoid walking or driving through flood water - flood water can be incredibly dangerous
- move stock and valuables to a safe place, on upper floors (if you have time!)
- turn off gas, electricity and water supplies and lock your property when you leave
- restrict staff coming into the area
- redirect deliveries and transport to other premises
Useful sources of information for residents and businesses
Local radio stations
BBC Radio Wales (opens new window) - 94.6 FM
Heart FM (opens new window) - 106 FM
The Wave (opens new window) - 96.4 FM
Social media accounts
Natural Resources Wales twitter (opens new window)
South Wales Police twitter (opens new window)
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service twitter (opens new window)