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Looking after your wellbeing

Support, advice and information to help you keep on top of things.

Dewis Cymru

Find local and national organisations and services that can help you.

Search for advice and support

We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.

Community alarms (lifelines)

Community alarms (lifelines) provide an emergency telephone link for older and disabled people.

Adaptations to your home

Information about how to make large or smaller adaptations to your home to help you maintain your independence.

Housing options for later life

In later life some people consider a move to a property which is better suited to their changing needs and priorities.

Living with dementia

Social Services and other support groups can provide information and practical assistance which can help someone living with dementia do so with both choice and independence.

Care at home

If you are finding it difficult to manage with your personal care needs, home care services many be able to help you cope with daily living.

Residential and nursing care

You, or your relative, may be thinking about a care home because you have gradually found it more difficult to manage at home, or because an illness or accident has affected your ability to live independently.

The Community Equipment Service

Helping you with day to day living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.

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Last modified on 01 September 2021