Listed buildings
There are 500+ listed buildings within the boundaries of our City and County ranging from telephone boxes, domestic residences and commercial premises.
Why are buildings listed?
Buildings are 'listed' because they are considered to be of special architectural or historic interest and as a result require special protection. Listing protects the whole building both inside and out and possibly also adjacent buildings if they were erected before 1 July 1948. The prime purpose is to protect the building and its surroundings from changes, which will materially alter the special historic or architectural importance of the building or its setting.
All buildings erected prior to 1700 and substantially intact are listed, as are most buildings constructed between 1700 and 1840, although some selection does take place. The selection process is more discriminating for buildings erected since 1840 because so many more properties remain today. Buildings less than 30 years old are generally only listed if they are of particular architectural or historic value and are potentially under threat.
The grades of listing
- Grade I buildings are of exceptional interest. Only about 2% of listed buildings are in this category.
- Grade II* buildings are of particular importance. Around 4% of listed buildings are in this category.
- Grade II buildings are of special interest. 94% of listed buildings are covered by this grade.
When is listed building consent required?
Consent is required for all proposals, however minor or apparently insignificant which would affect the character of any part of the interior or exterior of a listed building. Buildings are listed in their entirety and it is an offence to commence alteration, extension or demolition work without consent.
Like for like repair does not require consent, nor does external redecoration to the same colour scheme. However, it is advisable to contact our conservation section to check whether consent is required before any work commences.
The general approach to listed building repair and alteration should seek to recognise the reasons for, and the quality of, traditional construction details, materials and design.
Applying for listed building consent
Further guidance on listed building consent can be obtained via The Planning Portal - LBC guidance notes (PDF, 60 KB)
An application for listed building consent can be made via The Planning Portal Applications (opens new window)
What if I do works without consent?
When a building is listed, it is an offence to carry out works to the building, which affect its architectural or historic interest without the approval of the planning division. You could be liable to prosecution, and/or be made to rectify what you have done. The maximum penalty could include imprisonment and unlimited fines.
Listed building records
The details and locations of all listed buildings in Wales can be viewed at DataMapWales (
Clicking the pins within the map will open the Cadw record information for the relevant listed building.
Please note that point data only locates the listed building itself. It does not show the full extent of the listing which confers protection on any object or structure fixed to the listed building and which is ancillary to it, or is within the curtilage which forms part of the land and has done so since 1 July 1948.
More information can be found on the Cadw web site at Cadw listed buildings and scheduled monuments map (opens new window)