Legal and public notices
Byelaws are created by the Council to deal effectively with issues within its area.
Mawr Community Council Area: Notice of a Community Meeting
On Friday, 7th June 2024, a decision was taken by 50 registered electors (known as the 'conveners') from the Community Council wards of Mawr to convene a community meeting
Notice of application for a marine licence for the Mumbles Coastal Protection Project
Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.
Traffic Regulation Orders
Current statutory notices relating to various proposals and orders made by Swansea Council.
Notice of planning applications
Legal notice of applications for planning permission that we have received as the local planning authority.
Notices of planning public appeal hearings / inquiries
Notices of public appeal hearings and inquiries relating to planning enforcements and applications.
Temporary footpath closures
Temporary footpath closures for road works or for the avoidance of danger to the public.
Current public path orders
A list of current public path orders for changes to public rights of way.
Notice of new premises applications, variations and reviews
New applications for premises licences, variations and reviews of current licences under the Licensing Act 2003 are listed below. These adverts will remain here for the 28 day period in which representations can be made.
Notice of application to grant approval of premises for civil ceremonies
Public notice of an application must be given with a period of three weeks for objections. Current notices will be displayed on this webpage.
Safety certificates for sports grounds
Swansea Building Control deals with general and special safety certificates for designated sports stadia in the area.
Commons registration notices
Applications received for entries to the commons register.
Statement of accounts
The Statement of Accounts is the statutory summary of the council's financial affairs for the financial year and is prepared in accordance with the local government Accounting Code of Practice (ACOP).
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Last modified on 23 July 2024