Local Development Plan 2 - delivery agreement
The delivery agreement is the first key stage in the preparation of the Swansea Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2).
The Delivery Agreement (DA) identifies the timetable for the preparation of the LDP2. This includes the anticipated dates for producing the draft or 'Deposit' plan and for carrying out the 'Examination in Public' on its policies and proposals.
The DA also includes a community involvement scheme which sets out how and when members of the public, and other stakeholders, can get involved in the plan preparation process.
A draft version of the DA was subject to a period of public consultation until 20 April 2023. Comments received during the consultation were fully considered and a number of changes were made to the document.
A final version of the Swansea RLDP Delivery Agreement (PDF) [1MB] was approved by Council on 6 July 2023 and has been agreed by Welsh Government. Work on the LDP2 will progress in line with the DA.
Key stages
The anticipated dates for the key stages of the LDP2 process are identified in the Delivery Agreement as follows:
Stage 2: Pre-deposit participation
- Call for candidate sites: Developers and site promoters to submit candidate sites for potential inclusion in the plan - closed 31 October 2023
- Vision and objectives: Engagement with key stakeholders on developing the vision and objectives and strategic options - September 2023 to January 2024 - consultation closed 14 June 2024.
Stage 3: Pre-deposit consultation
- Preferred strategy: Public consultation and engagement on the preferred strategy, and initial sustainability appraisal report - Autumn/Winter 2024
Stage 4: Deposit participation / consultation
- Deposit plan: Public consultation and stakeholder engagement on the draft LDP2 (known as the 'deposit' plan) and the final sustainability appraisal report - Summer/Autumn 2025. The deposit plan will present the detailed policies and site allocations, based on the key issues, objectives and supporting evidence for the plan
Stage 5: Submission for examination
- Submission of LDP2 and corresponding evidence base to Welsh Government for Examination in Public - early 2026