Frequently asked questions about human resources
Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about our human resources department (Freedom of Information).
How many staff have been employed on relief contracts?
2023/24 - 340
2022/23 - 300*
2021/22 - 262
2020/21 - 269
2019/20 - 268
*2022/23 figure only includes up to 13 March 2023 (not 31 March) due to switchover of back office systems
Disciplinary cases
What was the total number of council employees suspended on full pay and the total amount they were paid? What was the reason for suspension in each case?
All employees who are suspended receive full pay.
Sections include | Reasons include | |
2023/24 27 employees suspended |
2022/23 39 employees suspended |
2021/22 29 employees suspended |
2020/21 15 employees suspended |
2019/20 | Not available | Not available |
How many suspended employees subsequently returned?
2023/24 - 7 employees returned to work with a warning, 10 cases are ongoing, 5 employees were dismissed, 5 employees resigned.
2022/23 - 4 employees returned to work with a warning, 8 employees returned to work with no further action, 16 cases are ongoing, 5 employees were dismissed, 4 employees resigned, 2 employees contracts came to an end.
2021/22 - 10 returned to work with warning, 1 returned to work no case to answer, 5 dismissed, 2 resigned (there are 11 ongoing investigations)
2020/21 - 4 (there are 6 ongoing investigations)
It should be noted that suspension is not deemed as a disciplinary sanction and employees are not suspended as a matter of course. Due consideration of the necessity to suspend is taken and reviewed throughout the process to ensure that there is a continued need for suspension. Suspension is always considered as a last resort and handled with tact and sensitivity. If no purpose would be served in suspending the employee, then suspension will not be appropriate. An employee who is suspended will receive their normal / average pay. It will be unusual to suspend an employee who is unfit for work at the time suspension is considered. In circumstances where an employee is suspended whilst receiving less than full pay (or no pay) under the terms of their contract of employment, the reduced level of payment will be paid during the period of suspension.
Employer equality data
Pay policy statement 2023-24 (PDF) [834KB]
Information about pensions and fund investments can be found at: Annual report and accounts (City and County of Swansea Pension Fund) (opens new window)
Employer’s pensions discretions policy 2021 (PDF) [773KB]
How many staff were appointed during the following periods?
2023/24 - 1,300
2022/23 - 1,582*
2021/22 - 1,573
2020/21 - 817
2019/20 - 865
*2022/23 figure only includes up to 13 March 2023 (not 31 March) due to switchover of back office systems
How much has the council spent on the external advertising of job vacancies during the following periods?
2023/24 - £21,880 (includes schools)
2022/23 - £28,453.48 (includes schools)
2021/22 - £43,853.75
2020/21 - £39,548.15
2019/20 - £7,412.34
Sick leave
How many working days were lost to staff sickness per full-time equivalent (FTE)? What were the main 3 reasons given as reasons for sickness?
117,439.24 - top 3 reason include stress, anxiety, bereavement
116,628.3 - top 3 reason include stress, coronavirus, miscellaneous*
116,913.6 - top 3 reason include stress, coronavirus, miscellaneous
82,955.87 - top 3 reason include stress, coronavirus, hospitalisation
83,461.5 - top 3 reason include stress, hospitalisation, back injury
*2022/23 figure only includes up to 13 March 2023 (not 31 March) due to switchover of back office systems
Staff / senior staff
How many staff are employed by the council?
As at 31 Mar 2024 - total - 11,180
- Non schools - 6,271
- Schools - 4,909
As at 31 Mar 2023 - total - 11,666
- Non schools - 6,519
- Schools - 5,147
As at 31 Mar 2022 - total - 11,397
- Non schools - 6,291
- Schools - 5,106
As at 31 Mar 2021 - total - 10,937
- Non schools - 6,045
- Schools - 4,892
As at 31 Mar 2020 - total - 10,954
- Non schools - 6,062
- Schools - 4,892
The structure of the leadership team of the council: Who are we and what do we do
How many days lost to ill health? How many staff retired? How many staff have been dismissed?
Year | Days lost to ill health | Number of staff retired | Number of staff dismissed |
2023/24 | 38,438.57 | 61 | 8 |
2022/23 | 45,117.20 | 56 | 11 |
2021/22 | 40,122.85 | 43 | 8 |
2020/21 | 29,236.65 | 38 | 4 |
2019/20 | 29,211.53 | 39 | 20 |
The figures are for teaching and ancillary staff (including teaching assistants and admin staff).
*2022/23 figure only includes up to 13 March 2023 (not 31 March) due to switchover of back office systems