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Ways to pay your council rent

There are a number of different ways to pay your council rent.

Direct Debit

The easiest way is to pay by a weekly or monthly direct debit, which will automatically come out of your bank account.

Complete:  Council housing rent Direct Debit form (PDF, 188 KB) and return to the rents team



Pay your council rent online Pay your council rent online


Bank transfer

You can pay your bill straight into the council's bank account, but please remember to quote your reference / account number so we can allocate your payment to your account. Please contact us if you don't know this number.

Lloyds Bank PLC, 802 Oxford Street, Swansea, SA1 3AF.

Sort code 30-00-00
Account number 00283290


Payment swipe card at Post Office or Payzone

Ask your rents officer for a payment swipe card so that you can pay at any Post Office or at any shop that has the Payzone logo - Search for Payzone shops.

Payments made on a Thursday or Friday using your payment swipe card will not show until the following week.


Over the telephone

If you know your rent reference number, you can phone our automated service at any time:

English - phone 0300 456 2765

Welsh - phone 0300 456 2775

If you do not know your rent reference please call 534094 in office hours.


Rent officer

You can ring the rents team in office hours and pay by Visa, Mastercard, Maestro or Electron.


Area housing offices

Pay at any area housing office.

Note: you can only pay by debit and credit card.


Civic Centre

Payments can also be made at the Civic Centre.


Direct from wages (council employees only)

Swansea Council employees who have a council tenancy can pay their rent directly from their wages:  Rent from wages application form (PDF, 306 KB)

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Last modified on 05 July 2024