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ALN - How is Additional Learning Needs changing?

The Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Wales (ALNET) Act 2018 is part of how Additional Learning Needs is changing.

The Act was introduced in 2021 and the focus of the Act is inclusion; putting the child / young person at the centre, and ensuring they are supported to reach their full potential.

The new system:

  • Individual Development Plans (IDPs) will replace statements of special needs and Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and these will now support the child / young person from 0 to 25 years old, if required. These outline how the school / college can help the child / young person with their learning and progress.
  • The child / young person will be at the centre of all discussions and decisions which will help them achieve their goals.
  • Other adults who support the child / young person will also be involved and share what they think the child / young person needs.
  • In the majority of circumstances the school / college will write the plan and everyone's view will be included.
  • IDPs will be reviewed every year, if not more frequently and it will move with the child / young person to their next school or college.
  • The school / college will have an Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) who will make sure everything the child / young person needs is in place.
  • If the parent / carer or the child / young person is not happy with the plan they have the right to discuss this with staff at school / college. They can also seek advice from our Caseworker Team.


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Last modified on 17 April 2023