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Highway search FAQ

Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about highways searches.

Can I see the adopted highway plans (CON29_2.1)?

The adopted highway record uses an electronic mapping system to show the extent of adoption. We have a free online viewer available here.

Plans show the general position not the exact line of the adopted highway boundary. They may be subject to distortions in scale. Measurements scaled from a plan may not match measurements between the same points of actual features on the ground.


Can I have a plan of the adopted highway?

The Local Land Charges team are currently providing adopted highway extent plans. A plan published in the Adobe PDF format can be purchased for a fee. Please email a plan of the area in question to and they will advise you of payments methods and current fee.


What is the brown shading?

This is the extent of the adopted highway. The brown shading is a historical link to old paper plans which recorded adoption with a brown ink wash.


A road is shown white or uncoloured, what does that mean?

Roads or ways that are not adopted are shown uncoloured. They may be open to the public but privately maintained by the street managers (residents, a Developer or landowner), a private road to property not open to the public or accesses to property like alleys, private drives, lanes, etc.


Is there a section 38 agreement for my road (CON29_2.1)?

The online adoption viewer indicates section 38 road adoption agreements as blue areas. Section 38 agreements dedicate private land to become highway maintained at public expense. Until an agreement is certified as complete the roads so dedicated are the responsibility of the owner/Developer. The yellow areas are Section 278 agreements which are within the existing adopted highway.


There is a land charge asking for payment of an APC (Advance Payments Code) for private street works, has this been paid?

An APC Notice is initially served on a landowner and recorded in the Land Charges Register. This will be listed as "served". When the landowner pays the money requested, either by cash or the arrangement of a bond, it will be listed again as a "deposit". These two entries indicate the APC Notice has been satisfied. If only the "served" notice is listed that suggests no deposit has been made and the landowner is potentially still liable.


How do I obtain a copy of a section 38/278 agreement, an APC Notice or section 106 Planning agreement?

The Council will only provide certified copies of agreements, they must be ordered from the Local Land Charges team. Please email them with as much detail as possible, costs may vary according to content -

Please note section 104 agreements are sewer adoption agreements with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, please visit their Developer Services website.


When will my estate be adopted?

Adoption is developer-led and is difficult to forecast. We recommend you contact the developer directly to ascertain their position on adoption.


What is delaying adoption of my estate?

We cannot always comment on this matter as there is confidentiality between the council and developer including site issues that may not involve the council, such as sewers with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water for example. We recommend you contact the developer direct to discuss any issues.


Why is my road not adopted?

There are many reasons why your road is not adopted, whether it is new or old. For example, the developer may not have offered the road for adoption, it has been developed slowly over time, there are construction/drainage/geometry problems, ownership issues, the developer has chosen to privately maintain themselves or via a management company, etc.

If it is a new road, we recommend discussing with the developer directly. If it is an old existing road, any problems will need to be resolved at the frontager's expense to bring up to adoptable standard. This will generally be through an apportioned amount from each property and landowner on the road. We recommend contacting your local councillor to discuss adoption of your road.


Does my property abut the adopted highway?

This is not always easy to confirm but we recommend comparing the adopted highway record, Land Registry ownership and what is on the ground. If unclear then it is possible we can investigate.


There is intervening land outside my front boundary, who owns it?

If the comparison of records results in land without status between the adopted and private, further enquiries can be made to the Strategic Estates & Facilities team (email to or and Commons Registrations team to determine if there is council interest or common land present. If a landowner still cannot be identified the land may still be considered part of the highway where highway rights supersede ownership rights.


Is the intervening land council owned?

The Strategic Estates and Facilities team maintain records of council owned and leased land including land dedicated for Highway purposes. If your research does not confirm ownership they will be able to advise if the intervening land has council interest. Please send an email to or


Are there any road schemes in my area (CON29_3.4_3.6)?

The online adoption viewer has layers of information to switch on. You can see the extents of road schemes, traffic schemes and cycle schemes. Click on a road scheme or traffic scheme to see a dialog box with its name pop up. A description for each scheme is listed on our webpages here -

If further information is required on a scheme please email and your enquiry will be forwarded to the appropriate team. Please note many schemes are aspirational and may not have additional detail outside a simple description.


Are there any road widening schemes in the area?

Additionally to the online viewer for road schemes, planning records may have applications for road widening or developments which include highway improvements to facilitate a new development. The online planning search portal (opens new window) allows for address and map searching for applications.


Are there any proposed cycle schemes in my area?

Please visit the council's Active travel website for details


Are there any road closure orders affecting roads around the property?

Road closures can be permanent or temporary. The Traffic Regulation orders page lists proposed and special orders which may include temporary closures. Permanent closures may involve Stopping Up of Highway or the redesign of a road through an improvement scheme. The websites below may help locate one.


Are there any future improvements or developments which may affect traffic flow in my area?

Planning records and scheme information at our website or online mapping may indicate if there are potential future effects on traffic flow. Large planning applications routinely include support documents which may provide clues to loading of the road network in the vicinity.


Is there any additional information that may affect traffic flow?

The council's online constraint map may not provide traffic related information but does note specific areas of interest such as unstable land.

The council's statutory notices website and the public media notices website above will list Traffic Orders, etc. that may affect the vicinity.


Are there any proposed bus stops which may affect traffic flow in my area?

The Transport team are involved with siting/re-siting bus stops, please email your enquiry here -


Is any of my property required for highway works (CON29_3.2)?

Please visit the 'Land to be acquired for road works' webpage.

Land Registry documents may include references to dedication of land for highway purposes.


Are there any footpaths on my land (CON29_2.2/3/4/5)?

Footpath and other Public Rights of Way information is only available from the Countryside Access Team on       


Are there any rail schemes near my property (CON29_3.5)?

Currently there are no rail/tram/monorail schemes in Swansea. Mainline rail is not a responsibility devolved to local authorities, so would only be reported where Network Rail had submitted a planning application to the Local Planning Authority. Please contact Network Rail (opens new window) directly.


There is a New Street Order charge on my property, is there any outstanding liability?

New Street Orders were based on By-Laws that were repealed in 1991. Since 1991, therefore, no New Street Orders were able to be declared. Where a site was affected by such an order, this only came into effect when building works took place, such as the rebuilding of the property or new boundary wall. It did not come into effect for extensions.

New Street Orders declared under the Highways Act of 1959 and 1980 had an expiration age of 10 years and were extendable by a further 2 years. An Order no longer affects a property.

When a New Street Order was declared, this was entered into the land charges register and so appears when a search is carried out. The only way of removing the entry is for the order to be rescinded. This has not been actioned as there are literally thousands of orders and each one would have to be rescinded individually.

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Last modified on 21 July 2022