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Grass cutting and tree maintenance

Information on grass cutting and tree maintenance work that we carry out.

Grass cutting

Grass cutting usually starts in March dependent on the weather and ground conditions. We carry this out to keep areas visually clear for drivers and pedestrians, and to help keep areas look attractive and litter free.

Some areas are left uncut in a bid to help biodiversity through the creation of 'wildlife corridors', increasing pollinator numbers through the provision of wild meadow areas. We appreciate the importance of dandelions as a food source for bees and regular mowing has no detrimental effect on their growth - dandelions flower throughout the spring and summer months.


Our work on trees falls into the following categories:

  • Urgent work: if a council-owned tree is in such a condition that it poses a very high risk to people or property, we will attend the site as an emergency, normally within 2 hours and always within 4 hours unless there is a major weather event in progress. If work cannot be completed, areas at risk will be cordoned off until resources are available. During major storms and weather events, we will respond as quickly as possible but will need to focus our priorities on keeping roads open for emergency services.
  • Essential work: trees that are perceived as high risk but present no immediate risk to the public will be made safe within an adequate timescale depending on the level of perceived risk identified at the time of inspection.
  • Desirable work: works on trees that are not considered urgent or essential will be classed as desirable and go into our low risk work programme. Desirable and low risk work will usually be carried out within one year where possible, unless unforeseen circumstances such as storms delay the work further.

All inspections will be carried out by suitably qualified arborists.

If you see our teams felling trees owned or managed by the council it will be because:

  • the tree is dead, dying or diseased
  • a tree has been proven to be causing subsidence
  • the removal of the tree would benefit surrounding trees
  • it is the requirement of a management, regeneration or development plan.

We will not prune or fell a tree that is owned/managed by the council to improve natural light in a private or council owned property.

We are committed to safeguarding healthy trees and will only carry out works if deemed necessary under standard tree management practice. Therefore we would not carry out works on trees that cause overhang, leaf fall, blossom, attract insects produce honey dew, impact solar panels, impact TV or satellite dish reception, produce fruit/nuts, or if you think a tree is too large.

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Last modified on 28 February 2022