Gower and Llwchwr Estuary Lions Club
Lions International is one of the largest worldwide service organisations. Every penny raised goes to charity. The local branch is a small club helping out a number of worthwhile causes.
Swansea Space
A warm place to relax and enjoy company.
Thursdays 2.00pm - 5.00pm (Christmas / New Year period may vary)
A warm welcome and environment. Friendship, chat, games, books. Dignity and respect.
- Free charging points for phones or other devices
- Accessible entrance / venue
- Toilets / accessible toilets
- Car parking / disabled parking
- Games / board games
- Refreshments available
- tea, coffee and squash; biscuits, cake and crisps - all free
- Drinking water available
- Visitors welcome to bring own food / drinks
- Book borrowing / book swap
Phone number
07766 211503
Email address
Events at Gower and Llwchwr Estuary Lions Club on Tuesday 11 February
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