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Further advice and support for businesses

Details of other organisations that can help your business, from general support and networking to Welsh language.


Business Swansea support hour

Each month the Business Swansea support hour will provide a concise training session on a key business topic. The free online sessions will all be delivered by a locally based expert and will allow you to connect with other local businesses. The focused briefings provide a style of delivery which allow for your learning to be implemented immediately.

Find out when our next session is and register (eventbrite) (opens new window)


General support

Business Wales (opens new window)

Business Wales is a dedicated service that provides support to people starting, running and growing a business in Wales. This support includes providing access to finance, marketing, training and innovation. The support can be provided through a range of platforms including telephone and face-to-face through a series of workshops and events.

Wales Co-operative Centre (opens new window)

The Wales Co-operative Centre focus on providing support for social enterprises. Whether you are considering starting a new social enterprise or are established and wish to grow, free support and advice is available.

Swansea Business Improvement District (BID) (opens new window)

Swansea BID represents approximately 800 businesses in Swansea City centre to deliver services make the area a better place to shop, study, stay and do business. 

This is delivered under three key themes:

  • Welcoming and enhancing - working with partners to enhance the BID area's overall appearance improving the customer welcome and ensuring Swansea city centre remains safe and welcoming.
  • Promoting and supporting - continuing to promote the businesses and the city centre to visitors and residents to help increase footfall and spend in the city centre
  • Representing and influencing - acting as a champion for business needs in local matters such as council service delivery, infrastructure and the areas exciting redevelopment/regeneration led by the BID's key strategic partner, Swansea Council. 


Business networking is an important element of growing your business, expanding your supply chains and meeting new potential clients. 

Swansea and the surrounding area have an extensive range of local groups many of whom cater for specific individuals or business types. 

4theRegion (opens new window)

4theRegion is an alliance of people, businesses and organisations across South West Wales, who are working together to develop the local economy. The organisation connects people, shares good news and enables collaboration, through our forums, events, projects and communication.

Business Networking International (BNI)

The BNI's is an exclusive business network with the sole aim to help businesses and individuals grow. There are currently three established BNI Chapters in Swansea:

  1. BNI Waterfront Chapter (opens new window)
  2. BNI Dylan Chapter (opens new window)
  3. BNI Liberty Chapter (opens new window)

Chambers Wales (opens new window)

Affiliated to the British Chamber, Chambers Wales offers a range of support for local business. This includes networking, training and business support.

Federation of Small Business (FSB) (opens new window)

As well as being a national organisation, FSB also provide a local network within Wales, which hosts a series of events and support activities for local business.

Swansea Bay Business Club (opens new window)

Swansea Bay Business Club have the objective of stimulating prosperity in Swansea Bay by encouraging the business community to support each other and grow. The Business Club hold regular networking events and provide a forum for businesses in the local area to collaborate.


Welsh language

Helo Blod (opens new window)

Using just a little bit of Welsh language in your business can make a big difference. Helo Blod is your fast and friendly Welsh translation and advice service.

Helo Blod can translate up to 500 words into Welsh per month for your business, completely free of charge. The service can also check 1,000 words per year for free, so you have the peace of mind that the materials you're producing in Welsh are correct. Once registered, the service is available to access online.

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    Last modified on 02 September 2021