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Food safety

Information and advice for residents and businesses dealing with food.

Register your food business

All food businesses need to be registered before starting any food operations.

Information on food hygiene ratings

Find out more about the scheme as well as information for food businesses about appeals and re-inspections.

Advice for new food businesses in Swansea

Swansea Council are offering an advice service for new food businesses opening in Swansea. This service allows businesses to raise queries to specialised officers within the Food Safety team and received specific advise on best practice.

Basic food business advice

Advice for new and existing food businesses.

Approval of food business

Certain food businesses (in particular those supplying food of animal origin to other food businesses) may need approval before starting any food operations.

Safer food, better business - printed copies now available

Safer food, better business is a food safety management pack for restaurants, cafés, takeaways and other small catering businesses comply with food hygiene regulations.

Food poisoning

We are notified of cases of food poisoning and certain other food borne illnesses. Investigations are then carried out into individual cases and also outbreaks of food poisoning.

Contact Food and safety

If you can't find what you need or have a different query you can email us.

Food complaints

Do you have a complaint about an item of food that you have bought that doesn't meet legal standards?

Food safety at home

Find out about how to store and prepare food safely at home, whether you're in the kitchen or having a picnic or BBQ outdoors. Advice and guidance from the NHS website.

Food notices and recalls

Up to date product information, food hazard warnings and food product recalls.

Dogs in food premises

Whether or not to allow a pet dog into the public areas of a food business is a matter for the individual food business operator to decide.

Suspected food poisoning investigation

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. It's not usually serious, and most people get better within a few days without treatment.

Pavement café licence

A pavement café licence enables businesses to provide designated seating only areas outside for their customers to eat and drink.

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Last modified on 19 August 2021