Speech, language and communication
The Flying Start Speech and Language Therapy Service are a team of specialist Speech and Language Therapists and associate practitioners.
We work closely with the wider Flying Start Team and can provide advice, recommendations and strategies to support children's talking in various ways:
- We provide training for the childcare setting workforce and parents to support children with their talking.
- We support and empower parents and families of children with identified communication difficulties within their home. We might also see them in their childcare setting.
- We identify children with long term speech, language and communication needs, and direct these to the Swansea Bay Speech and Language Therapy Service for further interventions.
Contact with us may include face-to-face and/or virtual appointments.
If you have concerns about your child's talking, please speak to your Health Visitor who will then signpost to us if appropriate, or if you would like to contact the Speech and Language Therapy Service directly please email: SBU.ChildrensSpeechTherapy@wales.nhs.uk.
We look forward to supporting you and your child.